Thursday, June 16, 2016

வாழை நாரை எளிதாக பிரித்தெடுக்க புது முறை

பொதுவாக, வாழையில் இருந்து நாரை பிரித்து எடுக்க நேரமும் முயற்சியும் அதிகம் வேண்டும். வேலை செய்ய ஆட்களும் தேவை. பொதுவாக, ஒரு நபரால், ஒரு மணியில் 500 கிராம் நார் மட்டுமே எடுக்க புடியும்
இந்த புது முறையால், இதை போன்று பாத்து மடங்கு நார் எடுக்க முடியும்.
இந்த முறையில், காற்றிலா செயல்முறை (anaerobic process) என்சைம் (enzyme) பயன் படுத்தி ஒரு வாரத்தில் நிறைய நாரை பிரித்து எடுக்க முடியும்.
மிச்சம் உள்ள நீரும் கழிவும் பயோ காஸ் ஆக மாற்ற படுகிறது. நீரும் மறுசுழற்சி செய்ய படுகிறது.Way forward:Banana fibre extracted using the technology developed by the CISR-NIIST
இந்த முறையை பற்றி மேலும் தெரிந்து கொள்ள 04712515388 என்ற தொலை பேசியை அணுகவும்

Way forward:Banana fibre extracted using the technologydeveloped by the CISR-NIIST
The National Institute for Inter-disciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) here, a laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), has developed a technology for extraction of banana fibre, the raw material for a range of eco-friendly products.
The indigenously developed process know-how is for ‘clean extraction of banana fibre from pseudo stems (leftover banana trunk after harvest) and empty bunches.’ The fibre can be used to make yarn, paper and paper cups, cordage, tea bags, handbags, and footwear.
Patent sought
An international patent has been sought for the process know-how, a spokesman for the CSIR-NIIST said. It has already been licensed to three parties, including one based in the Philippines. The CSIR-NIIST expects the process to become acceptable at the local level, the spokesman said.
The alternatives
Banana fibre is generally extracted through a cumbersome manual process. By using a metal scraper (flat and blunt blade), the pseudo stem sheaths are scraped and the fibre is separated.
An individual at work can extract just about 500 gm in this manner; the mechanical process yields 10 times the quantity but with heavy damage to the fibre.
The CSIR-NIIST technology involves an anaerobic (without oxygen) process. The fibres are separated by enzymes produced through microbial action in an anaerobic reactor.
Waste into biogas
The organic wastes get converted into biogas in the process. The process water is recirculated.
Under optimum conditions, separation of the fibres gets completed in a week’s time, says V. Manilal of the Process Engineering and Environmental Technology division at the NIIST. The fibres are washed and dried in sunlight to bring down the moisture content considerably.
Brilliant white
The fibre obtained is brilliant white in colour and has little pith residues. The CSIR-NIIST claims that the process is inexpensive, pollution- free, and avoids damage to fibres.
It also has the potential to generate employment and can offer higher earnings forfarmers. For details, the CSIR-NIIST can be contacted on phone 0471-2515388.


Ecogreenunit organized a Design Developmentworkshop on Banana fibre in coimbatore rural. 30 women artisans participated.New prototype models was developed by Empaneled designer Mrs. Puja singh from delhi came and trained the artisans in banana fibre.The programme was sponsored by O/o Development Commissioner,Handi crafts,New Delhi.its a 15 days training programme .

a new prototype models in banana fibre

Address:EcoGreenUnit,C-5,Agri Business Directorate,Tamil Nadu Agri cultural University,Coimbatore-641003, PH:09600876767/09894422180/07708202420

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